This Activity is a fun activity that uses singing and introducing instruments and becoming familiar with the sounds they make. Taking the familiar melody of "The wheels on the bus" this activity helps encourage communication, fine motor skills, development of rhythm and builds confidence with instrument playing, choice making and turn taking.
When using this in a group situation I like to have my instruments in a bag and have the child reach in and pick one by touch. When using this activity with an individual I like to encourage them to pick which instrument they would like to use first- encouraging independence and choice making skills. Instruments I sometimes use include the drum, maraca, triangle, castanet, guiro, and claves but you can be as creative as you like and use any instruments that would fit in with the music therapy goals for the child.
here are the words using the drum and the shaker:
The Drum in the band goes boom boom boom
boom boom boom
boom boom boom
th drum in the band goes
boom boom boom
All day long.
The shaker in the band goes
shake shake shake
shake shake shake
shake shake shake
the shaker in the band goes
shake shake shake
all day long.
the triangle in the band goes
ting ting ting.....
the castanet in the band goes
click click click
Check out harmony music therapy scotland at or email me at [email protected] if you would like more information on music therapy services near you.