A few of my pre-school clients absolutely love "super simple songs" at www.supersimplelearning.com and often watch great videos of these songs on the super simple songs youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/supersimplesongs?feature=results_main.
Many of the videos and songs really appeal to younger children on the autistic spectrum so I often try to incorporate some of the songs into my sessions depending on the goal I have set for my clients.
They have some great Halloween songs and I have been using 2 pumpkin songs this week to address the theme of understanding emotions and counting 1-5.
1) Five Little Pumpkins
2) Can you make a Happy Face?
Five Little Pumpkins
We use flashcards with pictures of the number of pumpkins looking happy or sad etc and also a mirror (if its not too distracting) so the child can practice making the facial expression. Here is the video of the song:
This next song is all about making facial expressions also. For this one I like to use the mirror with the client to allow them to practice the facial expression. I also like to use the free flashcards that are available on the simple songs website of pumpkins smiling, laughing, frowning etc.