I hope you all had a great festive holiday and are all ready to get back to some music making.
I have locked myself away today session and lesson planning for the term ahead, making sure that every individual and group will have some great new musical experiences to explore that are tailored to meet their specific needs.
I will try to accommodate new groups over the next week and if you are waiting on email responses or calls I will aim to have these all answered by the end of the week.
I am hoping for some new changes and developments with the business this year and I cannot thank everyone enough for their continued support. I am hoping to make the blog, facebook and website more interactive and have them supporting the ongoing session work this term. Watch this space as I try to encourage and show ways in which you can bring more music into your homes even when Im not there!
Piano students - I am hoping that we will have a little concert towards the end of this term so keep practicing so you can all showcase your fabulous progress!! Many of you will be needing some new tutor books and theory materials this term so look out for my direct links in this blog for where to buy!
Can't wait to see some groups tomorrow and all sessions starting back properly on Thursday.
enjoy the last day of holidays and see you all soon!