When you are having a bad day and put on your favourite CD you usually feel better right? We know that music can lift our moods that it can get us dancing and singing and build us up or wakes us up. But what about if you suffer from Depresssion? Can music still have the power to lift your mood?
Good News: Last year BBC News reported that “music therapy can be used to improve treatment of
depression, at least in the short term”.
Depression is commonly treated with medication and psychiatric counselling.
Studies have found that music therapy is a promising additional
treatment for depression. This randomised controlled trial set out in the above article demonstrated that
people receiving active music therapy in addition to standard care had a
significantly greater improvement in their symptoms than those receiving
standard care alone after three months of treatment.
If you are having a blue day today stick on your favourite song and start to sing along and have a music hug.
Alternatively if you or a loved one is suffering from depression dont let them suffer alone or in silence. Counselling and medication can be a great help and why not try and book a trial session with a near by music therapist or contact Harmony Music Therapy Scotland - www.harmonymusictherapyscotland.co.uk and we'll slot you in for a session.